Meeting Mosaic
A week ago I had the chance to attend a meeting with Eric Bryant. Eric is on the leadership team at Mosaic, a church in L.A. Mosaic is the next Saddle back type church, not it's style but it's influence. The pastor of Mosaic, Erwin Mcmanus, has 3 books out.I finished the first one (An Unstoppable Force) a few weeks ago, and currently in the middle of the other 2 (seizing your divine Moment, and Uprising). If you haven't read any of his books they are MUST reads. Seriously some incredible books. McManus is not only a great theologian he's an incredibly creative person. After reading An Unstoppable Force I had the same reaction as I did when I read Purpose Driven Church ten years ago, before it was the crammed down our throats. He's on the cutting edge, most notably I love his thoughts on creating a culture through the church.
But that's not what grabbed my attention in this meeting. What grabbed my attention was something called "The Character Matrix". Mcmanus came up with this when he was working in an inner city church in Dallas, back in 1993. Essentially the matrix is a lose paradigm to help people see what their character looks like. The Goal is to transform self-centered people into servant leaders. It's one of those things you have to see, and I have neither the time nor the ability to draw the picture clearly, but Uprising is all about this concept so read more there. But I write to say that I was very much challenged in that meeting, and so if your looking for a book pick up Uprising by Erwin Mcmanus.