Thursday, May 13

An Encouraging Day

I’m in this class that over the last 2 semesters has been extremely time consuming. In the class you are required to make a covenant and goals and all this stuff to help you work on some of your weaknesses. Along with that you meet with a Field Supervisor (my boss) weekly, a Spiritual Director (a pastor friend of mine) Monthly, and a ministry support and reflection group (made up of people I work with) 6 times over 8 months. It’s a lot of paper work, but the intent is great and it has given me a lot of feedback on how people perceive me.

Today was the “competency interview” or basically what I thought was going to be a “hey here is all the things that you need to continue to work on” meeting. Instead what it turned out to be one of the most encouraging 45 minutes I’ve ever experienced. The meeting had my boss, 2 co-workers who’s opinions I highly value and respect, my peer group leader ( a convention leader that I’ve enjoyed getting to know through the process), and a guy from the seminary.

I won’t go into all the specific of what they said (cause that would feel really self absorbed), but they spoke words of encouragement about the things they saw in my life all most all of them positive and a few that pointed to areas of needed growth. But all four were tremendously encouraging and spoke from a genuine heart. Their words were very comforting and something I feel God ordained for me to hear today. Not to stroke my ego, but to remind me of the call he has on my life, words that are needed as I look for my next place in ministry. I officially have just over 6 months left in my current position and have begun to think about what my next move might be. It’s exciting and frightening all at the same time, but today I feel blessed and encouraged. Blessed to have friends that will speak truth in my life, encouraged by the fact God’s call on my life is noticed by those around me.

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